Beware using oversized pads leading to unsightly product packaging

Beware using oversized pads leading to unsightly product packaging

Recently i traveled to our closest neighbor and while shopping for salad i saw something rather unappetizing, meat pads / mats being used inside microgreens and sprouts packaging. You can view the picture below and as a customer and former grower, we want to ensure the content always looks as fresh as possible to make a customer throw a couple more boxes into their basket of goods.

Meat pads have higher density and plastic contents, sure they absorb way more moisture but how much moisture is really needed ? Greens are not supposed to be watered on the day of harvesting and if washed should be dried before packaging. Add to that the cooling and condensation of store fridges, mostly trapping the moisture is trapped outside the pads reach.

At Hydrasorb we only ship our razor thin pad that can easily be double stacked or side by side layout if more moisture is expected but typically a single pad for a 16 ounce clamshell should be enough.

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New 100% Eco friendly moisture absorbent pads now available

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